NOC - National Offset Company
NOC stands for National Offset Company
Here you will find, what does NOC stand for in Aviation under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate National Offset Company? National Offset Company can be abbreviated as NOC What does NOC stand for? NOC stands for National Offset Company. What does National Offset Company mean?The Kuwait based company is located in Safat, Al Asimah engaged in airlines/aviation industry.
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Alternative definitions of NOC
- The Networking Operations Center
- No Objection Certificate
- Nantahala Outdoors Center
- Networks Operations Center
- No Objection Certificate
- Network Operations Center
- Network Operations Center
- Nantahala Outdoor Center
View 83 other definitions of NOC on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- NETC National Electronic Transit Corp
- NBG Network Business Group
- NAIMC NAI Mountain Commercial
- NLBA National Lgbt Bar Association
- NC The Nutrition Clinic
- NMFRD North Metro Fire Rescue Dist
- NBDL NB Data Ltd
- NCI Nationwide Coils Inc.
- NSCMI NSC Minerals Inc
- NJA Nicholas Jacob Architects
- NBB New Basket Brindisi
- NERA New England Retina Assoc
- NSFSL North Star Ford Sales Limited
- NSL Nashville School of Law
- NTPL Ness Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
- NWCSL No Worries Company Services Ltd
- NP The Nehemiah Project
- NLMS Nova List Marketing Solutions
- NAES New Age Engineering Solutions
- NPC New Pathway Counseling